For a long time, it has been demanded by the industry that the regulator TRAI should bring the new media like live streaming under the net of regulation. Now as per media sources, the telecom regulator is evaluating a consultation process to regulate online video streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hotstar.
Earlier, the regulator had received requests from broadcasters to develop pricing and economic model for online video streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video
As per media sources, the stakeholders have expressed concern that certain broadcasters are airing same content through internet channels as through direct-to-home (DTH) platforms and cable operators. TRAI is examining the issue. It will most likely be a part of the OTT consultation, if a decision to consult is reached.
Anil Malhotra, chief operating officer at Zee Group-owned cable company Siti Networks Ltd, said, “OTT (video streaming) must be regulated. It is just another form of IPTV. On the basis of just a few differentiations, one cannot say that OTT is outside the purview of regulation and no law of land should apply to it.”
Earlier, the regulator had received requests from broadcasters to develop pricing and economic model for online video streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video
As per media sources, the stakeholders have expressed concern that certain broadcasters are airing same content through internet channels as through direct-to-home (DTH) platforms and cable operators. TRAI is examining the issue. It will most likely be a part of the OTT consultation, if a decision to consult is reached.
Anil Malhotra, chief operating officer at Zee Group-owned cable company Siti Networks Ltd, said, “OTT (video streaming) must be regulated. It is just another form of IPTV. On the basis of just a few differentiations, one cannot say that OTT is outside the purview of regulation and no law of land should apply to it.”
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