The tech giant Google has received Rs. 136-Cr penalty notice from the Competition Commission on 7 February for unfair business practices in the Indian market for online search. The Google spokesperson said the company is "reviewing the narrow concerns identified by the Commission and will assess our next steps". The amount of penalty is 5 per cent of the company's average total revenue generated from India operations from its different business segments for the financial years 2013, 2014 and 2015.
This is the first time Google has been penalised for unfair business ways in any country, though cases are going on in many countries.
As per CCI, after a detailed probe on the complaints filed in 2012, the regulator through a majority order said the penalty is being imposed on Google for "infringing anti-trust conduct".
Google allegedly indulged in abuse of dominant position in the market for online search through practices leading to search bias and search manipulation, among others. For this case, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) considered markets in India for online general web search services and for online search advertising services as the relevant ones.
This is the first time Google has been penalised for unfair business ways in any country, though cases are going on in many countries.
As per CCI, after a detailed probe on the complaints filed in 2012, the regulator through a majority order said the penalty is being imposed on Google for "infringing anti-trust conduct".
Google allegedly indulged in abuse of dominant position in the market for online search through practices leading to search bias and search manipulation, among others. For this case, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) considered markets in India for online general web search services and for online search advertising services as the relevant ones.
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