Baba Ramdev launched the much anticipated show on the newly launched GEC Discovery JEET with much fanfare. The channel was launched on 12 February. The event was attended by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and BJP president Amit Shah.
The FM commented: “When people were stricken with corruption, Swami Ramdev was their voice, and then came across as a campaigner on how to rid society of corruption. When you do something like this, there are consequences, there was hardly a law left that the previous government didn’t misuse against him.”
The TV show on Baba’s life titled as “Swami Ramdev: Ek Sangharsh” details the epochal journey of his life.
Amit Shah said: “In such a short time, he gave yoga and Ayurveda, which had been forgotten, a new lease of life, not only in India but across the world… through Patanjali, he presented a Swadeshi alternative and today Patanjali has crossed Rs 10,000 crore.”
The FM commented: “When people were stricken with corruption, Swami Ramdev was their voice, and then came across as a campaigner on how to rid society of corruption. When you do something like this, there are consequences, there was hardly a law left that the previous government didn’t misuse against him.”
The TV show on Baba’s life titled as “Swami Ramdev: Ek Sangharsh” details the epochal journey of his life.
Amit Shah said: “In such a short time, he gave yoga and Ayurveda, which had been forgotten, a new lease of life, not only in India but across the world… through Patanjali, he presented a Swadeshi alternative and today Patanjali has crossed Rs 10,000 crore.”
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