To bring down the number of fake and duplicate mobile handsets and to discourage theft, the Union Budget 2018 has allotted Rs 15 cr for mobile phone tracking system. The money will be used to set up the system - Central Equipment's Identity Register (CEIR)under the Department of Telecom (DoT). The centre will block all services on stolen or lost mobile phones on any network even if the SIM card is removed or IMEI number of the handset is changed.
BSNL has been entrusted with the task of setting up CEIR at its Pune centre.CEIR will connect the IMEI database of all mobile operators. It will act as a central system for all network operators to share blacklisted mobile terminals so that devices placed under the said category in one network will not work on the other, even if the SIM card in the device is changed, it said.
CEIR will be regularly updated with IMEI of lost, stolen or counterfeit handsets.The DoT is also set to notify rules that will make tampering of IMEI number a punishable offence with up to three years of imprisonment.
BSNL has been entrusted with the task of setting up CEIR at its Pune centre.CEIR will connect the IMEI database of all mobile operators. It will act as a central system for all network operators to share blacklisted mobile terminals so that devices placed under the said category in one network will not work on the other, even if the SIM card in the device is changed, it said.
CEIR will be regularly updated with IMEI of lost, stolen or counterfeit handsets.The DoT is also set to notify rules that will make tampering of IMEI number a punishable offence with up to three years of imprisonment.
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