The Tamil Nadu state government-owned multi system operator (MSO) Arasu and Sun TV are currently fighting over the contract for the digital addressable system (DAS). At present, Sun TV has switched off signals to Arasu for digital homes for non-signing of the agreement.
Arasu too switched off the broadcaster’s channels on its analogue network. The signals were switched off at the beginning of the week.
Sub TV is demanding Rs 20 per set top box (STB) while the MSO is adamant on entering into a fixed fee deal as was the norm in analogue era. Sun TV is asking for Rs 22 per STB from smaller MSOs. The broadcaster only wants a cost per subscriber (CPS) deal.
As a matter of fact, Arasu used to sign a letter of authorisation (LoA) with broadcasters to procure signals for a fixed amount. However, the situation changed after the ministry of information and broadcasting (MIB) asked Arasu to digitise its network after granting a provisional MSO registration.
Arasu too switched off the broadcaster’s channels on its analogue network. The signals were switched off at the beginning of the week.
Sub TV is demanding Rs 20 per set top box (STB) while the MSO is adamant on entering into a fixed fee deal as was the norm in analogue era. Sun TV is asking for Rs 22 per STB from smaller MSOs. The broadcaster only wants a cost per subscriber (CPS) deal.
As a matter of fact, Arasu used to sign a letter of authorisation (LoA) with broadcasters to procure signals for a fixed amount. However, the situation changed after the ministry of information and broadcasting (MIB) asked Arasu to digitise its network after granting a provisional MSO registration.
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