To make the game of football more accessible to everyone, the Sony Pictures Networks India’s video on demand (VoD) platform SonyLIV has started a video campaign. The campaign film speaks about the fans and how their love for the game scores over their attachment to individual leagues, clubs or players.
Currently, SonyLIV airs over 3000+ live matches and 4000+ hours of football sporting action.
According to SPN, Digital Business, EVP and Head Uday Sodhi, “With the growing football following in the country, we at SonyLIV believe that it’s about time that fans are informed about a legitimate and versatile online platform that will enable viewership access to their favourite games. This consumer insight is what led us to create a first of its kind unique campaign which is a dedication to the fans. We are certain our consumers will see merit in it.”
Currently, SonyLIV airs over 3000+ live matches and 4000+ hours of football sporting action.
According to SPN, Digital Business, EVP and Head Uday Sodhi, “With the growing football following in the country, we at SonyLIV believe that it’s about time that fans are informed about a legitimate and versatile online platform that will enable viewership access to their favourite games. This consumer insight is what led us to create a first of its kind unique campaign which is a dedication to the fans. We are certain our consumers will see merit in it.”
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