On 20 December, the telecom regulator TRAI said in its release that Aircel can shut operations in 6 circles by Jan 30, and users can port by March 10. Aircel was asked to inform its subscribers with a 30-day notice with timely generation of the Unique Porting Codes.
Aircel is mostly owned by Malaysia’s Maxis. The telco informed TRAI on December 1 that it will be surrendering its licenses in six circles, which are: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh (West) in 60 days as it found it difficult to do business in the prevailing intensely competitive environment.
TRAI wrote, “Informed that in view of the constant licensing and regulatory changes in the last 7-8 years and the hyper competition now prevalent in the telecom industry, they find it extremely difficult and economically unviable to run their business operations in the aforementioned six circles and constrained to surrender the licenses herewith.”
TRAI wrote, “Informed that in view of the constant licensing and regulatory changes in the last 7-8 years and the hyper competition now prevalent in the telecom industry, they find it extremely difficult and economically unviable to run their business operations in the aforementioned six circles and constrained to surrender the licenses herewith.”
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