According to leading broadband player Spectra, it has come up with a plan under which residential broadband customers will get 150 GB data at a speed of 1 Gbps for Rs 799 per month in Delhi-NCR. Spectra also made it clear that it will cover 3 more cities soon. Currently, Spectra provides fixed line broadband services in cities like New Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai.
The company claims to have reached 2 lakh households.
According to Spectra CEO Udit Mehrotra, "Now we have launched fastest broadband services ever in India with 1 gbps (over 1000 megabit per second) symmetrical download and upload speed for residential broadband customer. This puts India with rest of the world."
He added, "1 gbps is so much bandwidth that allows customer to do whatever they want to do on internet. With increase in speed we have not made it unaffordable. It is starting from Rs 799 per month for 150 GB data usage and unlimited usage plan starts at Rs 1,149 per month."
The company claims to have reached 2 lakh households.
According to Spectra CEO Udit Mehrotra, "Now we have launched fastest broadband services ever in India with 1 gbps (over 1000 megabit per second) symmetrical download and upload speed for residential broadband customer. This puts India with rest of the world."
He added, "1 gbps is so much bandwidth that allows customer to do whatever they want to do on internet. With increase in speed we have not made it unaffordable. It is starting from Rs 799 per month for 150 GB data usage and unlimited usage plan starts at Rs 1,149 per month."
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