Star India, the media rights holder of the ongoing IPL tournament,has achieved nearly 95% target of ad sales for the tournament which started on 7 April. There are 14 sponsors including three co-presenting and 11 associate sponsors. A total of 100+ brands have come on-board for the IPL.
The co-presenting sponsors are Vivo, Coca-Cola, and Jio. The associate sponsors include Asian Paints, Polycab, Parle Products, AMFI, Make My Trip, Vimal Pan Masala, Big Bazaar, Swiggy, Dream11, Haier, and MRF.The remaining inventory will be filled by spot buying advertisers.
On its OTT platform Hotstar, Star India has got six sponsors on-board including Vivo, Jio, Dream11, and Coca-Cola as co-presenting sponsors and Royal Challenge and fbb as associate sponsors.
Main sponsors include Amazon,Vodafone, PepsiCo, Mondelez, Samsung, Nivea, Honda Motors and Scooters,,, Madura Garments, Berger Paints, Blue Star, Ceat Tyres, Crompton, Dollar, Domino’s, Ford, Luminous, Pidilite, Sleep Well, Kent, and Vu TV, Vanessa, Voltas, Colgate, Amul, Elica.
Star India claims to reach 700 million viewers across TV and digital. The content will be broadcast in six languages.
The co-presenting sponsors are Vivo, Coca-Cola, and Jio. The associate sponsors include Asian Paints, Polycab, Parle Products, AMFI, Make My Trip, Vimal Pan Masala, Big Bazaar, Swiggy, Dream11, Haier, and MRF.The remaining inventory will be filled by spot buying advertisers.
On its OTT platform Hotstar, Star India has got six sponsors on-board including Vivo, Jio, Dream11, and Coca-Cola as co-presenting sponsors and Royal Challenge and fbb as associate sponsors.
Main sponsors include Amazon,Vodafone, PepsiCo, Mondelez, Samsung, Nivea, Honda Motors and Scooters,,, Madura Garments, Berger Paints, Blue Star, Ceat Tyres, Crompton, Dollar, Domino’s, Ford, Luminous, Pidilite, Sleep Well, Kent, and Vu TV, Vanessa, Voltas, Colgate, Amul, Elica.
Star India claims to reach 700 million viewers across TV and digital. The content will be broadcast in six languages.
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