Samachar Plus and News 1 India have been allegedly found engaged in fake news. As per authorities, they broadcasted false stories, and an FIR was lodged against them, following a complaint by the Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA).
As per GDA’s claims, the Hindi news channels had aired stories, levelling charges of Rs 2 crore bribery against its vice chairperson; the story was based on one-sided version.
The FIR recorded the names of the chief editors and the local correspondents of the news channels, and it was filed at Sihani gate police station under various IPC sections.
According to GDA Vice-Chairperson Ritu Maheswari , news aired by the channels shows their "blackmailing mentality" and is a "criminal act". But both channels refuted the allegations, saying they had tried to reach out to the GDA chairperson RituMaheshwari but she was not available immediately for comments.
As per media reports, a person named as Trilok Agarwal made a complaint to the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's Office, alleging that he had paid Rs 50 lakh to the GDA Secretary and the same amount to enforcement department as bribe to stop the sealing action launched by the authority against illegal construction at the site of a builder, Anil Jain.This news story was then broadcast by news channels Samachar Plus and News 1 India, Senior Superintendent of Police Vaibhav Krishna said.
According to the Editor-in-Chief on News 1 India, Anurag Chaddha, said the story his channel aired was based on the victim's complaint.
As per GDA’s claims, the Hindi news channels had aired stories, levelling charges of Rs 2 crore bribery against its vice chairperson; the story was based on one-sided version.
The FIR recorded the names of the chief editors and the local correspondents of the news channels, and it was filed at Sihani gate police station under various IPC sections.
According to GDA Vice-Chairperson Ritu Maheswari , news aired by the channels shows their "blackmailing mentality" and is a "criminal act". But both channels refuted the allegations, saying they had tried to reach out to the GDA chairperson RituMaheshwari but she was not available immediately for comments.
As per media reports, a person named as Trilok Agarwal made a complaint to the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's Office, alleging that he had paid Rs 50 lakh to the GDA Secretary and the same amount to enforcement department as bribe to stop the sealing action launched by the authority against illegal construction at the site of a builder, Anil Jain.This news story was then broadcast by news channels Samachar Plus and News 1 India, Senior Superintendent of Police Vaibhav Krishna said.
According to the Editor-in-Chief on News 1 India, Anurag Chaddha, said the story his channel aired was based on the victim's complaint.
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