While the sealing is going on, causing call drops in Delhi, the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) is set to earn Rs. 15 Crore from 3,000 mobile towers in areas under its jurisdiction as part of property tax on them. The civic body is likely to move a resolution in this regard.
The civic body, in the previous fiscal, had collected around Rs 650 crore in property tax.
In 2017, the Supreme Court had ruled that property tax could be levied on mobile towers and telecom companies would have to pay the charges to the civic body concerned as these towers came in the ambit of land and building.
Also, SDMC and telecom companies are fighting another war regarding one-time installation charges for mobile towers are raging in the Delhi high court.
As per SDMC sources, “HC had directed telecom companies and SDMC to come to an agreement over the charges. The matter will be heard at the next hearing. The law and building department has been directed to examine legal terms and structural safety of buildings, along with the possibility of declaring mobile towers as building units, to levy property tax.”
As the one-time installation charge was hiked from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 5 lakh by the erstwhile municipal corporation in 2010, which prompted the telecom companies to move court. The case has been pending since then and thousands of illegal towers have come up across the city.
Source: http://cablequest.org/index.php/news/telecom-news/item/12822-south-delhi-municipal-corporation-to-mop-up-rs-15-cr-from-3,000-mobile-towers
The civic body, in the previous fiscal, had collected around Rs 650 crore in property tax.
In 2017, the Supreme Court had ruled that property tax could be levied on mobile towers and telecom companies would have to pay the charges to the civic body concerned as these towers came in the ambit of land and building.
Also, SDMC and telecom companies are fighting another war regarding one-time installation charges for mobile towers are raging in the Delhi high court.
As per SDMC sources, “HC had directed telecom companies and SDMC to come to an agreement over the charges. The matter will be heard at the next hearing. The law and building department has been directed to examine legal terms and structural safety of buildings, along with the possibility of declaring mobile towers as building units, to levy property tax.”
As the one-time installation charge was hiked from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 5 lakh by the erstwhile municipal corporation in 2010, which prompted the telecom companies to move court. The case has been pending since then and thousands of illegal towers have come up across the city.
Source: http://cablequest.org/index.php/news/telecom-news/item/12822-south-delhi-municipal-corporation-to-mop-up-rs-15-cr-from-3,000-mobile-towers
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