To attract viewers who want uninterrupted good quality international content, the direct-to-home (DTH) operator Tata Sky is now offering ‘Tata Sky World Screen’ for just Rs 75 per month. Users can access to select series and movies from across the world, running 24×7, where most of the shows have never been available in India so far. The content will be sources from countries like Russia, French, Italian, and Portuguese with English sub-titles.
The service will be available to customers through the STB, Tata Sky Mob App and the web app of Tata Sky.
According to Tata Sky chief content officer ArunUnni, “With the launch of Tata Sky World Screen, we are offering cinema and television aficionados over 650 curated hours of great stories, not just from Hollywood, but from around the world, ad-free. Our analysis indicates that consumption patterns are evolving, and there is an audience looking for exciting and diverse content, unconstrained by language. Our handpicked list includes some of the most popular and critically acclaimed movies and TV shows across the world, much of the content were never seen in India before.”
The service will be available to customers through the STB, Tata Sky Mob App and the web app of Tata Sky.
According to Tata Sky chief content officer ArunUnni, “With the launch of Tata Sky World Screen, we are offering cinema and television aficionados over 650 curated hours of great stories, not just from Hollywood, but from around the world, ad-free. Our analysis indicates that consumption patterns are evolving, and there is an audience looking for exciting and diverse content, unconstrained by language. Our handpicked list includes some of the most popular and critically acclaimed movies and TV shows across the world, much of the content were never seen in India before.”
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