On 7 March, the CBI requested Special Judge Sunil Rana for the narco test of INX Media case accused Karti Chidambaram, saying it would help unearth the conspiracy in the case. The court directed the CBI to move an application before 9 March, when Karti Chidambaram will be presented before the court on expiry of his three-day CBI custody.
The agency will most probably move another application seeking the court's direction to issue production warrant against Indrani Mukerjea, former media baron who is a witness in the money laundering case and currently jailed in a murder case, and Chidambaram's chartered accountant S. Bhaskaraman.
As per CBI, Mukerjea, also an accused in the case, had told a magistrate that Chidambaram junior met her in a hotel in Delhi and asked for a bribe of $1 million for helping INX Media get FIPB clearance.
Karti has told the media that the allegations as "politically motivated".
Source: http://cablequest.org/index.php/news/national-news/item/12331-inx-media-case-narco-test-of-karti-demanded
The agency will most probably move another application seeking the court's direction to issue production warrant against Indrani Mukerjea, former media baron who is a witness in the money laundering case and currently jailed in a murder case, and Chidambaram's chartered accountant S. Bhaskaraman.
As per CBI, Mukerjea, also an accused in the case, had told a magistrate that Chidambaram junior met her in a hotel in Delhi and asked for a bribe of $1 million for helping INX Media get FIPB clearance.
Karti has told the media that the allegations as "politically motivated".
Source: http://cablequest.org/index.php/news/national-news/item/12331-inx-media-case-narco-test-of-karti-demanded
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