Before getting launched in April, Vice India has appointed Chanpreet Arora as CEO and Samira Kanwar as head of content, apart from hiring 40 journalists, editors, producers, and creatives.
As per company sources, Vice India will have mostly local flavour with content made on food, politics, music, sex, identity, nightlife, arts, literature, and comedy. The shows will be in multiple languages and cultures to attract more viewers. Vice India will make content for television, SVOD, OTT and digital platforms.
Newly appointed CEO Chanpreet Arora said: “We are committed to building a company that speaks to a generation that is defining today’s cultural conversation in India and that is based on values of empathy, equality and inclusion. All our decisions, including choice of partners, must reflect this core belief.”
Samira Kanwar commented: “Content sits at the centre of everything we do. We hope to create content and experiences that matter to India’s youth irrespective of the language or regions we come from. VICE India will be a platform for young people to speak up, be heard and also feel at home with about their own identities and idea.”
As per company sources, Vice India will have mostly local flavour with content made on food, politics, music, sex, identity, nightlife, arts, literature, and comedy. The shows will be in multiple languages and cultures to attract more viewers. Vice India will make content for television, SVOD, OTT and digital platforms.
Newly appointed CEO Chanpreet Arora said: “We are committed to building a company that speaks to a generation that is defining today’s cultural conversation in India and that is based on values of empathy, equality and inclusion. All our decisions, including choice of partners, must reflect this core belief.”
Samira Kanwar commented: “Content sits at the centre of everything we do. We hope to create content and experiences that matter to India’s youth irrespective of the language or regions we come from. VICE India will be a platform for young people to speak up, be heard and also feel at home with about their own identities and idea.”
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