The telecom minister Manoj Sinha said that Rs 10,743 crore will be spent in different projects in the north-eastern states to spread mobile network connectivity to different uncovered villages in the region.
He added, “I hope that most of these projects will be completed by December 2018." The minister was in Guwahati to review the implementation of BharatNet and other major telecom projects in the north-eastern region.
He said: "The Telecom Commission in its recent meeting has approved a comprehensive strategy to implement BharatNet in northeast region. Under strategy 4,240 gram panchayats in the northeast are to be connected by broadband by satellite connectivity by December 2018. The estimated cost of the satellite connectivity is Rs 733 crore."
He added that under comprehensive telecom development project for NER, 6,673 towers are to be set up to provide connectivity to 8,621 villages and along the National Highways at a cost of Rs 5,336 crore.
He added, “I hope that most of these projects will be completed by December 2018." The minister was in Guwahati to review the implementation of BharatNet and other major telecom projects in the north-eastern region.
He said: "The Telecom Commission in its recent meeting has approved a comprehensive strategy to implement BharatNet in northeast region. Under strategy 4,240 gram panchayats in the northeast are to be connected by broadband by satellite connectivity by December 2018. The estimated cost of the satellite connectivity is Rs 733 crore."
He added that under comprehensive telecom development project for NER, 6,673 towers are to be set up to provide connectivity to 8,621 villages and along the National Highways at a cost of Rs 5,336 crore.
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