Raju (a TV show producer), Suresh, Jemsy, Subhash and Madhu have been arrested by the Bengaluru Cyber Crime police for tampering panel homes. The TV viewership measurement agency, the Broadcasters Audience Research Council (BARC) Indiahad filed a complaint with the Cyber Crime police station after getting a tip about the panel tampering.
As per the police, a group of people was involved in illegally increasing the viewership of a particular show multiple TV sets by bribing the members of panel homes to watch a particular channel at a particular time.
The police are also suspecting the role of staff members of the firm which had recently got the contract to install the people meters is also being investigated.
Police said: “On getting credible information, police arrested the five accused. Investigations revealed that Raju and his team were working on it. Also, this year, BARC had given a contract to a new firm to install the TRP meters. The role of staff in that firm is also being investigated.”
As per police, Raju used to approach producers of TV shows with the promise that their shows would get higher ratings if they agree to pay him a good amount of money.
As per the police, a group of people was involved in illegally increasing the viewership of a particular show multiple TV sets by bribing the members of panel homes to watch a particular channel at a particular time.
The police are also suspecting the role of staff members of the firm which had recently got the contract to install the people meters is also being investigated.
Police said: “On getting credible information, police arrested the five accused. Investigations revealed that Raju and his team were working on it. Also, this year, BARC had given a contract to a new firm to install the TRP meters. The role of staff in that firm is also being investigated.”
As per police, Raju used to approach producers of TV shows with the promise that their shows would get higher ratings if they agree to pay him a good amount of money.
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