Reliance Jio, which had brought VoLTE technology to India, may disrupt once again with IoT, the latest technology with wider impact on many sectors. Ayush Sharma from Silicon Valley has been appointed by RJio as senior vice president of engineering and technology. This indicates RJio is thinking big on IoT.
Sharma will look after IoT and other technologies such as mobile edge computing, distributed artificial intelligence and block chain.
He had run his own venture, Moto Jeannie, in the United States, and has worked for telecom gear makers Huawei and Ericsson, and Cisco in the past in the US.
Sharma will look after IoT and other technologies such as mobile edge computing, distributed artificial intelligence and block chain.
He had run his own venture, Moto Jeannie, in the United States, and has worked for telecom gear makers Huawei and Ericsson, and Cisco in the past in the US.
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