To provide ease to its users, the leading FM player 93.5 Red FM has launched its mobile app which has been designed keeping in mind the connected device ecosystem that today’s listeners are living in.
With this app, the audience gets their content as an itemised piece of audio as a stream.
According to 93.5 Red FM COO Nisha Narayanan, “The target audience today is constantly on their phones and are using all kinds of apps for activities that makes their life easier. The Red FM app cuts away from the usual practice of radio content which has a low shelf life and when broadcasted once disappears. Strategically the app works as a great retention strategy where it can be reused on other platforms like mobile and social media. This ensures that the audience can catch up even if they have missed it during the live broadcast. The content can be further re-shared reaching out to the millions of audiences across. Red FM App is not a music streaming app or on-air FM product stream.”
With this app, the audience gets their content as an itemised piece of audio as a stream.
According to 93.5 Red FM COO Nisha Narayanan, “The target audience today is constantly on their phones and are using all kinds of apps for activities that makes their life easier. The Red FM app cuts away from the usual practice of radio content which has a low shelf life and when broadcasted once disappears. Strategically the app works as a great retention strategy where it can be reused on other platforms like mobile and social media. This ensures that the audience can catch up even if they have missed it during the live broadcast. The content can be further re-shared reaching out to the millions of audiences across. Red FM App is not a music streaming app or on-air FM product stream.”
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