Ashwin Bhandari, CEO, iVOOMi India, said that his company will launch its first 5G device by mid-2019. So far, the Chinese firm has exported a million devices in the 7 months of its operations in India and has plans of investing $22-25 million in 2018 for boosting manufacturing, R&D.
Bhandari added: “For our R&D set up, product testing will be the first layer, second layer would be product designing and third layer would be the focussed R&D. For these we will be increasing the investment in different phases.”
iVOOMi India will also shift from SKD manufacturing format to the CKD format and will be completely manufacturing all its PCBs in India this.
Bhandari said: “It will take 3-4 months from now to make the shift and get into mass production, we're in the trial phase wherein 100-500 units are being manufactured and tested. Once we get the approval from quality and the production process team, then we'll be shifting the PCB manufacturing in the Indian market.”
Bhandari added: “For our R&D set up, product testing will be the first layer, second layer would be product designing and third layer would be the focussed R&D. For these we will be increasing the investment in different phases.”
iVOOMi India will also shift from SKD manufacturing format to the CKD format and will be completely manufacturing all its PCBs in India this.
Bhandari said: “It will take 3-4 months from now to make the shift and get into mass production, we're in the trial phase wherein 100-500 units are being manufactured and tested. Once we get the approval from quality and the production process team, then we'll be shifting the PCB manufacturing in the Indian market.”
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