BBC Studios and its commercial vertical BBC Worldwide have merged to become a single entity, BBC Studios. It will be headed by CEO Tim Davie and chief creative officer Mark Linsey. The single entity will look after integrated programme production, sales, and distribution.
BBC believes that the single entity will work more simply and efficiently. All of the major established UK industry players integrate their programme production and distribution in this way.
According to BBC DG Tony Hall, “In a fast-changing TV industry, securing the future success of the BBC is vital. Creating a single BBC Studios will bring the BBC in line with the industry, be simpler and more efficient. It will help ensure that licence fee payers in the UK continue to receive outstanding British programmes which reflect British lives, long into the future. It will also ensure the BBC can continue to play its crucial role in supporting the successful UK creative economy.”
BBC believes that the single entity will work more simply and efficiently. All of the major established UK industry players integrate their programme production and distribution in this way.
According to BBC DG Tony Hall, “In a fast-changing TV industry, securing the future success of the BBC is vital. Creating a single BBC Studios will bring the BBC in line with the industry, be simpler and more efficient. It will help ensure that licence fee payers in the UK continue to receive outstanding British programmes which reflect British lives, long into the future. It will also ensure the BBC can continue to play its crucial role in supporting the successful UK creative economy.”
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