Saurabh Tewari, the creative brainchild behind setting up Nautanki Films Pvt. Ltd which gave the country some of its most loved shows including Madhubala – Ek Ishq, Ek Junoon among many others is all set to launch his new production house titled ‘Tequila Shot Productions’. The newly formed company is set to produce a new TV shows for a leading broadcaster, details of which will be revealed in the next quarter. In addition to this, Tequila Shot Productions will be venturing into feature films and digital content creation in near future.
On his new venture, Saurabh Tewari said, "I am delighted to announce Tequila Shot Productions through which I aim to continue my promise of delivering entertaining and engaging content to my audience. Tequila Shots productions will not only create content for Television but will also be foraying into film production very soon.”
Talking about his role in Nautanki films, he added, "Abhinav and I had great stint running Nautanki Films together. The two on-air shows of Nautanki Films are extremely close to me. I will continue to oversee the entire creative aspect of these two shows, the way it has been going till now. Besides this under Nautanki Films, Abhinav and I have just finished producing a feature film ‘Ekkees Topon Ki Salaami’. The journey with Nautanki has been extremely enriching and I am happy that we created a brand that stood out. I am sure the journey ahead will be as exciting and I look forward to taking Tequila Shots Productions to newer heights’
A Bachelor of Arts from Lucknow University, Saurabh began his career directing ad films. Since then he has worked with a variety of television production houses primarily as a writer which have given him a completing understanding of the creative & production business. In 2006, he moved to Zee Telefilms as Assistant Vice-President of Programming for ZEE TV where he was instrumental in growing the market share of the channel. In late 2007, he moved to Viacom 18 as a part of the start-up team for the launch of Colors. In his role as Associate Vice President and Head of Content – Fiction programming, Saurabh played a key role in the launch of the channel and was involved in creating and designing the entire line up of fiction shows for the channel. He then joined Imagine TV, the flagship Hindi GE Channel of Turner General Entertainment Networks India Pvt. Ltd as Head of Programming Fiction in 2010.
In 2011, Saurabh Tewari joined hands with BAG Films to launch his Film & TV Production company Nautanki Films Pvt. Ltd.
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