Delhi High Court on 13th March put off entertainment tax case hearing till 27 May as the Entertainment Tax Department’s reply in the case was not on record due to late filing.
The court had ordered the state entertainment tax authority not to take any coercive measures against the three MSOs till final orders. These MSOs are- Hathway, DEN and IMCL.
DEN and Hathway in Court argued that they were not liable to pay entertainment tax from April since they had started consumer billing only from November. They argued that it was the local cable operators (LCOs), not the MSOs, who had been collecting money from the ground.
DEN also argued that the entertainment tax must be collected only on actual collections. The MSO also sought clarity from the tax department whether the tax is paid on per-subscriber or per-set-top box (STB) basis.
On the other hand, IMCL argued in its petition that the LCOs must pay entertainment tax as they owned the customers. The LCOs also got entertainment tax licence, so they should pay the entertainment tax, it said.
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