With the celebration of the International Yoga day at the threshold, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has directed the media outlets to ensure the success of PM Modi’s special initiative which is scheduled to take place on June 21. In a letter generated by the MIB to the broadcasters on 29th May, it said that United Nations General Assembly has declared June 21 as the International Yoga Day (IYD) and hence, all TV channels, FM stations & community radio stations may promote the occasion by carrying special features or in any other befitting manner. “The forthcoming June 21 will be the first IYD and hence it will hold special significance for India, particularly when the practice of yoga is associated with our country and IYD has been declared at the initiative of our country,” the letter says.
Modi himself has begun the branding of the occasion through advertisement in media and by producing programmes that focuses on celebrating the Indian nature of yoga.
According to the memorandum of the MIB, news channels should do special interviews with yoga experts to popularize yoga. Apart from this, channels and FM stations have to set aside prime-time and non-prime-time slots to advertise yoga.
However, broadcasters are hoping that this should be the last time when the government is asking to do so, because according to them, in order to accommodate such promotional ads from the government, they have to pull out already booked advertisement, which generates huge revenue for the company.
The cost of partly subsidising Mr. Modi’s brand of yoga will roughly amount to Rs. 80 crore, borne by the media outlets.
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/national-news/item/7205-mib-directs-media-to-promote-yoga-to-the-hilt-ahead-of-iyd.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/national-news/item/7205-mib-directs-media-to-promote-yoga-to-the-hilt-ahead-of-iyd.html
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