Multi Screen Media (MSM) is set to launch its second sports channel, Sony Kix. The launch of the channel will coincide with the Indian Premier League (IPL), which is starting on 8 April and final is on May 24. Sony Kix will start telecasting IPL Season 8 matches with commentary in Tamil, Telugu and Bengali, apart from Hindi and English.
As IPL match event is over, Sony Kix will telecast other sporting events on which MSM has broadcasting rights. The first sports channel of the company is, Sony Six, launched in 2012 and having broadcast rights of 2018 FIFA World Cup, UEFA EURO 2016, Qualifiers for UEFA EURO 2016, European Qualifiers for 2018 FIFA World Cup, TNA, The Australian Open Tennis Championship, The NBA, TNA Impact Wrestling and The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
Rohit Gupta, President of MSM said the channel will primarily broadcast sporting events in Hindi and English but for special events it will have regional language feeds for big sporting events. For IPL 8, the new channel will not sell any ad space. "The ad breaks on Sony Kix during IPL will be same as Sony Max.” he added.
MSM has sold almost 90 per cent inventory and has lined up 11 sponsors for the IPL.
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