The Delhi High Court has adjourned the petition filed by the News Broadcasters Association (NBA) and other broadcasters against TRAI order of Advertising limit of 12 minutes per hour Ad cap till 24 July. The Court adjourned the case to give some more time to broadcasters and government to decide an amicable solution amongs them. In an earlier hearing, the Court had, at the regulator's instance, directed that all the channels have to keep a record of the advertisements run by them.
It is a major relief for broadcasters. Arun Jaitley, I&B Minister also gave his views against an Ad cap on broadcasters. The NBA had challenged the Ad cap rule, contending that TRAI does not have jurisdiction to regulate commercial airtime on television channels.
Apart from the NBA, the petition have been filed by Sarthak Entertainment, Pioneer Channel Factory, E24 Glamoru, Sun TV Network, TV Vision, B4U Broadband, 9X Media, Kalaignar, Celebrities Management, Eanadu Television and Raj Television.
The news broadcasters as well as other regional broadcasters say that the capping of commercial airtime will curtail their Ad revenues. After applying this Ad cap, broadcaster will have to reduce their inventory of commercial Ads and increase Ads rates.To get Ads on increased rate they will need to push up their viewership numbers, which is hard to achieve in short time, resulting them in monetary loss.
Finally this adjournement has given some relief to NBA and other broadcasters.
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