A Delhi court has passed an order to attach the property of Business India Television International Limited (BITV) as the company failed to comply with court’s direction to pay wages to its 52 ex-employees. Additional District Judge GK Gaur directed the attachment of property of BITV situated near Uday Park in south Delhi as the company did not comply with the orders to release the wage amount in 2004.
"I have not been able to get any assistance from the side of the Judgment Debtors (company and its directors) on this score. I presume, therefore, that what has been stated on behalf of the Decree Holders (employees) is correct. Let warrants of attachment of the said immovable property bearing no. 286, Masjid Moth, Uday Park, New Delhi 110051 be issued against the Judgment Debtors...," the judge said.
It was alleged by the employees that the management had locked out the premises with effect from February 10, 2000 and no employee was allowed to work. On a complaint to labour authorities, the government had prohibited continuance of lock out with effect from February 14, 2000. Later the matter was referred to the Industrial Tribunal at Karkardooma Court for deciding the issue of wages. In the tribunal the workmen said that they were not paid wages since February 2000 and alleged that since 1995 the management had adopted unfair labour practice against them.
However, the management replied that there was no Business India Group Employees Union and claimed that out of 378 persons, 217 had voluntarily left the services. It claimed that the employees were not reporting for duty and also denied that it had declared lock out.
In 2004 the court said that the management had failed to show any order overriding the government's direction prohibiting the continuation of lock out. Hence the lock out was illegal and unjustified. The tribunal had said 130 employees were entitled for wages from February 12, 2000 onwards.
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/legal-news/item/6655-court-orders-attachment-of-property-of-defunct-bitv.html
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