Muvi Studio, a technology start-up in India launched their Video on Demand (VoD) platform for the worldwide entertainment industry. The platform is a one-of-its kind offering in the entertainment market which allows video content owners like movie and TV productions, TV channels and video content aggregators to launch their own-branded Video on demand (VoD) platform in just a few hours with a ZERO CapEx cost! Along with the launch of the platform Muvi Studio has also partnered with Maa Television Network, Hyderabad and ISKCON Television, Mumbai to launch their VoD platforms.
With Maa TV, Muvi Studio has already launched (, a video streaming platform aimed at bringing its favorite Telugu programs at the click of a button to the Telugu Diaspora worldwide.
ISKCON Television (India) will soon launch their VoD site on Muvi Studio’s platform to the global market offering religious content like Pravachans, Spiritual Talks, Bhajans, Aartis and Documentaries focused around ISKCON’s vision and Lord Krishna’s teachings.
Muvi Studio works on the Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model and it offers the content owner everything required to launch their own-branded video streaming site, as well as apps for mobile, tablet and smart TVs by taking care of the coding, managing hosting on the cloud, user management, payment gateway integrations, database management, state of the art security with video encryption and Digital rights management (DRM) to fend off pirates as well as offering in-built marketing tools which makes it easier for content owners to start marketing their site in no time.
Nagender Polamraju, VP, Business Development & Partnerships, Muvi Studio said, "With Muvi Studio, we bring in the cloud infrastructure that supports hosting the video content with some really cool audience management features. Video content owners can launch their own branded Video-on-demand (VoD) platform in just a couple of hours and with Zero CapEx cost. Rest is up to the content owners, they control everything."
Partnered brand owners have the option of customizing the look and feel of the entire website with just a few clicks. Plus, have complete control on the pricing (how much to charge for the content), rights and distribution (limit by territory and timeframe) thus putting them in the driver’s seat instead of relying on 3rd party streaming websites to go-online. The content owners just need to launch their VoD platform, upload their video content and start marketing. It’s that simple!
Traditionally anyone looking to setup their own-branded video streaming platform needs to invest heavily in the IT Infrastructure & a software development team along with a time-to-market of 6-8 months, however with Muvi Studio, this cost has come down to ZERO and a time-to-market to a few hours, thus enabling video content owners to focus purely on content and marketing.
Muvi Studio is also in closing there partnerships with content owners to launch their platforms for the Marathi & Tamil Entertainment Industry in India as well as content owners from across the world including Netherlands, Spain and in USA.
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