, the online service that offers Bollywood, Regional and South Asian music entertainment content has launched a new mobile app. According to the company, the free-to-download app offers a catalogue of music tracks and music videos from over 2 million songs from Bollywood, International, Telugu, Bhojpuri, Tamil, Malayalam and other regional content.
As per Hungama, the major feature that differentiates the app from other offerings in this segment is that it brings the ability to play videos and socialise while streaming music. The app is available on iOS and Android platforms with a light version available on the BlackBerry 10 platform. Users can earn points every time they watch videos, play/share music, invite friends or create playlists. Once collected, the points can be redeemed to download and own content, movie tickets, autographed merchandise, gizmos and gadgets and dinner dates with film stars. It adds a Mood Discovery mode that finds and plays music to match the user's mood. This feature allows users to discover music based on their preferences - Mood, Tempo, Language, Genre or Era. Users can also save the discovery list and replay it later.
In addition to this, the app (barring the iOS version) allows users to buy and download entertainment content on their connected devices. The app also offers trivia and lyrics. It also offers Hungama's Artist Radio which offers access to over 20,000 artistes on, as per the company. The app also has a 'My Stream' social option that allows users to invite, share and connect with their friends online through social networking platforms. My Stream also allows users to share their music and personal playlists; and get reward points for sharing.
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