The Delhi High Court slammed the Censor Board for not doing its job properly and asked it and the Centre to respond to two separate PILs alleging vulgar contents in Salman Khan-starrer 'Dabangg 2' and Saif Ali Khan's 'Race 2'.
While asking the Information and Broadcasting Ministry, CBFC and producers of 'Dabangg 2' and 'Race 2' to file their responses by May 14, a bench comprising Chief Justice D Murugesan and Justice V K Jain said, ‘"Now days, the Censor Board is not doing its duty properly.
While hearing the PIL of lawyer Sanjay Kumar seeking a ban of alleged provactive item number of 'Dabangg 2,' the bench ordered deletion of names from an array of parties of Kareena Kapoor Khan, on whom the song was filmed, director Arbaaz Khan and musicians duo Sajid and Wajid.
The bench, however, refused to stay the release of DVDs of 'Dabangg 2' and 'Race 2' and their further screening on TV channels. It, meanwhile, gave the petitioners liberty to approach it again if they receive information that the films are going to be shown on channels.
"We are not experts and have not seen the movies. How can we stay the films on the basis of photographs we saw here?" the bench said. The other PIL, filed by social worker Teena Sharma, has sought an immediate ban on further screening of 'Race 2' in cinema halls and its telecast. It also sought deletion of explicit scenes and "vulgar" dialogues in the film.
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