India TV has announced the first ‘Yuva Awards’ to honour the most promising young faces of the nation. The awards have been positioned as a salute to youth icons who have shown exemplary leadership and excellence in six categories: Politics, Sports, Music, Film, Television and Business.
The winners for the inaugural annual property by India TV will be decided through a stringent process involving tabulation and stratified research by a renowned international research agency, India TV viewers’ votes and the diligent deliberations by the Jury.
The high-powered jury will be chaired by Sarod Maestro Ustaad Amjad Ali Khan. The panel comprises personalities like sporting legend Kapil Dev, Padma Shree Vandana Luthra and Prof Pushpesh Pant. Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of India TV, Rajat Sharma, will also be part of the jury.
Announcing the inception of the awards, Ritu Dhawan, MD & CEO, India TV, said, “Yuva Awards is a humble attempt to inspire iconic potential of young Indians who will take our nation to newer heights. These youth icons will be those who have already displayed enormous potential and made it big at their young age. They have created benchmarks in their respective fields and brought pride to our nation.”
The winners of the awards will announced at a ceremony in New Delhi on February 18, 2013, and the show will be telecast live on India TV.
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