The special Investigating Team (SIT) of Mumbai Police on 27 June arrested two local operators of Hathway network for swapping the Digi Cable network STB and whisking away 80,000 set boxes of digi cables worth Rs 12 crores in a span of three months. The two arrested persons have been identified as Amir Gabaji and Ravi Pasi. Police have also recovered 8,000 set boxes from the two accused.
Interestingly during the course of investigations Name of Shiv Sena MLC Anil Parab who is also a distributors of Joint venture partner of Hathway has cropping up. Police are likely to call him for questioning.
The complaint in the case was filed by the Digi Cable director Jagjit Singh Kohli with MIDC police naming Hathway promoter Viren Raheja, Santosh Ankolekar and others. The MIDC police in May registered an FIR under sections of 409, 380 and 506 (2) of criminal breach of trust, theft and criminal intimidation. In the complaint Kohli had alleged that Santosh Ankolekar had taken the set-top-boxes from Digicable to install at customers' residences in Andheri and Jogeshwari .Subsequently Ankolekar swapped replaced digicable setup boxes with Hathway boxes. Entire network belonged to Digicable which was being used to transmit hathway signals. Ankolekar has obtained interim bail and the matter is likely to come up in court on July 3.
During the investigations it was transpired that Hathway operators allegedly used the already laid cable tv infrastructure of digicable network to transmit their signals and thus swapped away 80,000 set up boxes of digicable causing a huge loss of 12 crores to the company
"Ankolekar had signed a agreement with us that he would not engage in any other business or offer services to any other company, but he flouted that condition and started working for Hathway. We only came to know of this end-2013. Hathway, too, denied any knowledge about the set top boxes.
Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria has set a special Investigating Team (SIT) to probe into the alleged complaint of mass swapping of cable network from one cable operator to another operator using muscle force in Andheri area.
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