Tamil Nadu cable operators working with the state run MSO network ARASU cable TV corporation have requested the Government that ARASU must sign formal agreements with them as mandated by TRAI ( Telecom Regulatory Authority of India).They have also urged the Arasu Cable officials to facilitate a meeting with the Chief Minister J.jayalalitha to highlight the challenges they face.
At a press meet on 22 July, cable operators affiliated to the Federation of Cable TV Associations of Tamilnadu charged that Arasu Cable TV had sent notices to over 15,000 operators asking them to pay huge backlogs of money due to the MSO (multi-system operator) on grounds of under-declaration.
The Association’s coordinator, D.G.V.P. Sekar, said Arasu Cable had suddenly started acting as if the subscribers belonged directly to the MSO and completely overlooked the cable operators who had built up the service from scratch.
Sekar also said that the association mobilised the cable operators thinking the government floated MSO would help to fight the monopoly of private players. But, now it is turning out the other way
While Arasu Cable TV’s letters to the operators have been challenged in court, the latter appealed to the government to withdraw the letters. They said they must be considered as partners by Arasu Cable because they had owned the last-mile infrastructure including control rooms and the cables. Cable operators are also unhappy joining ARASU as it does not hav a DAS licence yet.
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/cable-news/item/5578-cq-tn-local-cable-operators-refuse-to-pay-more-to-arasu.html
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