Tamil Nadu government-owned multi-system operator (MSO) Arasu Cable TV Corporation had issued a public notice on 5 December stating that the services of 23 channels of MSM Discovery (which operates under TheOneAlliance brand) and three channels of Taj Television are liable for disconnection on account of breach of the Letter of Acceptance and non-conclusion of price negotiation.
The notice further informed the subscribers and local cable operators (LCOs) that these 26 channels from TheOneAlliance and Taj Television bouquet would be switched off after expiry of 21-day notice.
As in the case of Media Pro and Star Sports, Arasu is asking for a reduction in monthly subscription fee and discount on its outstanding dues, said an industry source.
“Arasu has not paid subscription fee to broadcasters for the last five months. They are now asking for discount on outstanding dues and reduction in subscription fee. Since the broadcasters have refused to budge, they are putting pressure by issuing disconnection notices,” said the sources.
Arasu had earlier issued disconnection notices to the channels distributed by Media Pro and the three Star Sports channels. Arasu had sought reduction of subscription fee from Media Pro and Star Sports by almost 50 per cent. It is paying Rs. 45 million and Rs. 23 million to Media Pro and Star Sports respectively.
In light of the notices issued by Arasu, as many as 89 channels from Media Pro, TheOneAlliance, Star Sports and Taj Television bouquet will be discontinued if the parties on both sides fail to reach an agreement before the expiry of the disconnection notice.
Arasu has a subscriber base of 6.21 million as of 1 September 2013, with an operator base of 24,619 spread across the state. Arasu provides around 100 channels to cable TV subscribers at Rs. 70 per month.
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/digitization-news/item/3963-arasu-issues-disconnection-notice-against-msm-discovery-and-taj-tv.htmlSource: http://cablequest.org/news/digitization-news/item/3963-arasu-issues-disconnection-notice-against-msm-discovery-and-taj-tv.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/digitization-news/item/3963-arasu-issues-disconnection-notice-against-msm-discovery-and-taj-tv.htmlSource: http://cablequest.org/news/digitization-news/item/3963-arasu-issues-disconnection-notice-against-msm-discovery-and-taj-tv.html
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