ZoOm, India's Bollywood channel has ramped up its internet presence with a new responsive website ZoOmtv.in. Developed by Times Internet, the new website brings together the best of Bollywood entertainment content and superb technology to deliver it seamlessly across all devices and platform.
A responsive website automatically adapts and resizes itself according to the resolution of a device. Hence, a single site is displayed in different visual formats with flexible images and fluid grids. In today's world of multi-screen experiences, like phones, tablets and computers, responsive sites automatically adjust to give the best experience for each one.
The content on the website has also undergone a strong refresh. Besides regular channel programming, the site will feature exclusive videos and unused footages from the channel to offer depth to its video content. Insider gossips, photos, blogs and articles by ZoOm Star anchors and reporters will also form core content on the site. Movie trailers, promos, stills and first reports will offer variety to Bollywood fans.
ZoOm has put a major focus on reinvigorating its digital products to provide its users with readily accessible content which is relevant, fresh, multiple-format and available on all platforms.
Satyan Gajwani, CEO, Times Internet said, "Times Internet prides itself in developing cutting edge digital platforms. This is our first responsive design product for the market, complemented with a very strong technology platform. As consumption becomes multi-screen, ZoOmTV.in is well positioned to serve content across devices."
Avinash Kaul, CEO, ZoOm TV, said, "We have been, and continue to be, very serious about the digital presence of ZoOm and that's what's made ZoOm the world's No. 1 Bollywood destination. We are revolutionising the way we cover and distribute Bollywood content across platforms in relevant ways that inform and entertain our users at all times.”
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/national-news/item/772-zoom-tv-launches-responsive-website-zoomtvin.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/national-news/item/772-zoom-tv-launches-responsive-website-zoomtvin.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/national-news/item/772-zoom-tv-launches-responsive-website-zoomtvin.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/national-news/item/772-zoom-tv-launches-responsive-website-zoomtvin.html
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