Broadcasts on cable television sets in househlolds in Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA) went digital from Friday, February 1. Four of the prime MSOs (multi-system operators) in KMA -- Siticable, Manthan, Kolkata Cable & Broadband Parisheba Ltd (KCBPL) and DEN all hit the airwaves with channels in the digitalised mode. In all, there are 9-10 MSOs in KMA. However, the big four control the lion's share of cable viewers.
Suresh Sethia, Director, Siticable Said, "Except four Bengali news channels, which we are still airing in the analog mode, the rest are all being broadcast via the digital route.” Siticable is the largest MSO in KMA. According to him, Siti covers around 11 cable household viewers. "We have already seeded STBs (set-top boxes) in homes spanning across over 9 lakh viewers. Shortly, we should be seeding boxes in the remaining households, too."
Based on estimates, the KMA spreads across roughly 28 lakh viewers. Of these, he said, seeding of STBs has been completed to embrace about 24-25 lakh viewers. ""Now, it's mainly the households with 2-3 TV sets who are still to .pick up STBs for all their TVs. The lower-income groups (BPL categories) have generally all taken STBs,"" remarked Sethia. Sethia added that their are ""more than adequate STBs"" for cable homes now.
Sudip Ghosh, Director, Manthan, said, KMA’s second biggest MSO, reiterated that except four Bengali news channels, Manthan has switched over to the digital mode for all other channels. "Manthan's broadcasts reach around 7 lakh viewers. Of them, STBs have gone out to 6.5 lakh viewers. Things are not anywhere as difficult as it was three months back. We see no law and order issue cropping up," Ghosh said.
Incidentally, the first deadline for digitalisation at cable homes was set for November 1, 2012, by the I&B ministry. But, the Mamata Banerjee government sought an extension of this deadline, fearing law and order problems since seeding of STBs at that stage was far from adequate.
"The I&B ministry had, then, said, that digitalisation should preferably roll out from February 1, 2013. They had informally said that licences of MSOs could be revoked if cable homes did not go digital by February 1," Sudip Ghosh said. "In fact, the Indian Broadcasters Federation (the body of channel providers) had also set this cut-off date, "Sethia added.
Mentionably, according to them, while STBs to higher income-bracket groups are being provided at around Rs 799, the BPL categories are being supplied STBs for Rs 450 in addition to a Rs 75 monthly charge for the free-to-air channels.
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