Tamil Nadu cable operators known as Thamizhaga Cable TV Operators numbering 500 have decided to launch their own Multi System Operator (MSO).
Chennai is one of the four metros mandated to implement cable digitisation.
As TRAI has advised the Centre not to issue licence to Tamil Nadu government-owned Arasu Cable Corporation since no state-owned cable or TV channels should control content to the public, cable operators in Chennai have decided to launch their own MSO.
P Shakilan, state president, Thamizhaga Cable TV Operators claimed it to be the first time in the country where cable operators are investing around Rs 40 crore and said their service through digitization will start from January 18.
It has placed orders for 3.5 lakh set-top boxes from Chinese companies, which will be delivered before May 2013 and 10 lakh connections will come under this MSO network, said Shakilan.
The new MSO does not want their operations to go into the hands of a monopoly company due to the non-implementation of digitization in Chennai due to court cases and other issues. The new MSO would give 500 channels.
According to him, there are two major reasons for starting the MSO. First, they don’t want their operations to go into the hands of a company, which is monopoly, and the second is confusion prevailing over the implementation of digitisation here, which has been extending since October 31 due to court cases and other issues. Also they are not sure if Arasu Cable would get licence.
Recently, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India had recommended to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting that the central or state government-owned companies or undertakings should not be allowed to enter into the business of broadcasting and distribution of TV channels.
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/digitization-news/item/1027-chennai-cable-operators-to-launch-own-mso-company.htmlSource: http://cablequest.org/news/digitization-news/item/1027-chennai-cable-operators-to-launch-own-mso-company.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/digitization-news/item/1027-chennai-cable-operators-to-launch-own-mso-company.htmlSource: http://cablequest.org/news/digitization-news/item/1027-chennai-cable-operators-to-launch-own-mso-company.html
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