The Madras High Court, which took up film-maker and actor Kamal Haasan's petition for revoking the 15-day ban by State Government on his upcoming movie Vishwaroopam, has decided to take a call on the release of the movie on January 28.
Justice K.Venkatraman, who heard the petition filed by Mr. Haasan's production house Raajkamal Films, said in his order: "Whether the film has got any scenes affecting the sentiment of the people, who have given complaint or not, could be decided only after viewing the movie." He said the Court would view the movie on January 26 which will serve the larger purpose for deciding the issue.
"The postponement of the release of the film no doubt, will cause not only mental agony to the petitioners but also loss to them monetarily. The interest of the public at large, that too during Republic Day, has to be viewed more than that. Therefore, the interim injunction sought for this in this regard by the petitioner has not been granted for the present."
Earlier in the day, Mr. Haasan's lawyers approached the Madras High Court for an interim injunction on the State Government ban on the film invoking Section 144 of CrPC citing as reason the possible unrest the screening of the movie would create in the wake of anger expressed by some religious organisations that the movie portrayed Muslims in a poor light.
Vishwaroopam premiered in Los Angeles on Wednesday, and has already released in Malaysia.
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