Genesis Technical Systems Corp. is demonstrating, for the first time in North America, its innovative DSL Rings®, a technology that will deliver 400 Mb/s to rural and urban Telco customers over existing copper telecommunications infrastructures, at the Rural Telecom Industry Meeting and Expo in Florida next week.
DSL Rings is an award-winning, patented, revolutionary technology that enables telecommunication companies (Telcos) to deliver superfast broadband at a fraction of the cost of fibre to the home (FTTH) or fibre to the premise (FTTP). It delivers more than enough capacity to bring very low cost triple play and quad play offers to both rural and urban areas. It can be deployed in response to customer demand and Telcos can realise pay-back within two years.
Genesis’s DSL Rings rural solution can be used where distances from the exchange are a limiting factor in deploying traditional broadband methods.
DSL Rings is generally backhaul agnostic and works with both conventional copper, using standards-based bonded DSL technology, and FTTCab, or fibre to the neighbourhood (FTTNode). It is a great alternative for FTTH or FTTP. DSL Rings can also provide backhaul for femtocells to off-load congested mobile networks.
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