Union home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde and the director of the Intelligence Bureau Nehchal Sandhu said on 6 September 2012 that they wanted tightened cyber security as the government began sending legal notices to the people who sent inflammatory messages and morphed images about the violence in Assam on social websites.
The messages and images had set panic among the north-eastern people, when they were almost forced to flee back home for safety metros such as Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad.
Cases may also be registered against the people found guilty of inciting violence through their messages on social networking websites such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.
Notices have been sent to the Twitter account holders, and they have been asked to appear on 10 September at the office of the Computer Emergency Response Team committee.
“Notices have been sent to at least four people who have Twitter accounts. These people were sent notices as we are sure of their identities. They have been asked to explain their case before the committee,” a high-ranking official said on condition of anonymity.
“For the rest, we have written to Google and Facebook asking for details of accounts that hosted such anti-social information, and were blocked... Once we receive information from Google and Facebook, we will send notices to the rest of the people,” the official said.
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/legal-news/item/686-govt-sends-legal-notices-over-%E2%80%98anti-social%E2%80%99-messages.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/legal-news/item/686-govt-sends-legal-notices-over-%E2%80%98anti-social%E2%80%99-messages.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/legal-news/item/686-govt-sends-legal-notices-over-%E2%80%98anti-social%E2%80%99-messages.html
Source: http://cablequest.org/news/legal-news/item/686-govt-sends-legal-notices-over-%E2%80%98anti-social%E2%80%99-messages.html
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