Rs 2200 crore has been paid as levies, taxes and licence fee by the direct to home (DTH) service provider Tata Sky for FY2018. The licence fee stands at Rs. 561 crore which was paid to the ministry of information and broadcasting (MIB). The licence fee has been paid at 10% of gross revenue.
As per Tata Sky, Rs 561 Crore was highest ever payment made by a private operator to the Ministry.
Tata Sky MD and CEO Harit Nagpal said: “With the payment made today, we have paid License Fee, past & current, as per specified rates, regardless of pending litigations between the government & the platforms.”
Four years ago, Tata Sky had paid Rs 383 crore to the government as licence fee for the previous fiscal and arrears.
In 2014, the I&B Ministry had sent notices asking DTH operators to pay licence fee totalling Rs 2,066 crore with in 15 days, but these operators had challenged the licence fee demand in the Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) in 2014.
Reliance Digital TV was aked to pay Rs 136 crore, Dish TV (Rs 625 crore), followed by Tata Sky (Rs 620 crore), Airtel Digital TV (Rs 298 crore), Sun Direct (Rs 230 crore), Videocon d2h (Rs 157 crore).
As per Tata Sky, Rs 561 Crore was highest ever payment made by a private operator to the Ministry.
Tata Sky MD and CEO Harit Nagpal said: “With the payment made today, we have paid License Fee, past & current, as per specified rates, regardless of pending litigations between the government & the platforms.”
Four years ago, Tata Sky had paid Rs 383 crore to the government as licence fee for the previous fiscal and arrears.
In 2014, the I&B Ministry had sent notices asking DTH operators to pay licence fee totalling Rs 2,066 crore with in 15 days, but these operators had challenged the licence fee demand in the Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) in 2014.
Reliance Digital TV was aked to pay Rs 136 crore, Dish TV (Rs 625 crore), followed by Tata Sky (Rs 620 crore), Airtel Digital TV (Rs 298 crore), Sun Direct (Rs 230 crore), Videocon d2h (Rs 157 crore).
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