Digital India Summit hosted by Times Television Network started today at The GRAND, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. The two day summit based on the theme ‘Digital India: Bits & Bytes of a Billion Dreams’, was inaugurated by Ravi Shankar Prasad, Union Minister, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.
Delivering his keynote address, the Minister said that Digital India programme is a platform meant to bridge the gap between haves and have-nots.
“India’s strength can be defined in 3Ds- Democracy, Demography and Demand. Digital India is a politically neutral programme and will benefit the poor. We are working to take BPOs to small towns of India. This will create employment for young people in small towns and rural areas,” Prasad said.
He mentioned that there is a need to utilize all options including cable TV networks to carry broadband and make India Digital.
Through the Digital India initiative, the Government is working at connecting rural areas with high-speed internet networks. Digital India has three core components which include creation of digital infrastructure, delivering services digitally and digital literacy.
PM Modi’s Digital India programme is aimed at integrating the Government departments and the people of India. Its target is to ensure that the Government services are made available to citizens electronically, reducing paperwork.
Mr Prasad highlighted the fact that Digital India would not be complete without integrating it with ‘Make in India’ and the two will not succeed without skilled India.
Talking of Government’s efforts for skill development, he said, “I welcome concrete suggestions from all for making Digital India a grand success. We have to work together. If a poor person shifts from one State to other, his/her ration card should become digitally accessible in other parts of India,” he added.
Prasad emphasized that Government’s first role is to be an enabler.
Under the Digital India initiative, a two-way platform will be created by the Government where both the service providers and the consumers will be benefited. It is being monitored and controlled by the Digital India Advisory group under the Ministry of Communications and IT. It will be an inter-Ministerial initiative where all Ministries and Government departments would provide their own services to the public Healthcare, Education, Judicial services etc. There is also a plan to restructure the National Informatics Centre. This project is one among the top priority projects of the NDA Government at the Centre.
MK Anand, MD & CEO, Times Television Network, said, “‘Digital India Summit 2015’ will provide a public platform to hold discussions that will prepare India to face technological challenges and devise solutions that will aim to contribute towards realising the implementation objectives of digital India. The entire campaign will be substantive as the suggestions, ideas, insights, research and conclusions of the discussions will all be curated by our research team, along with a leading global consulting firm, to produce an action plan ‘white paper’.”
The initiative is being supported by leading organisations like MAIT (Manufacturers Association for Information Technology), EY (Ernst & Young) and the Nasscom Foundation.
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