Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Kerala Cable TV Federation launch its own Digital Headend

Kerala Cable TV Federation has launched its own Digital Cable TV headend on 9 September in Cochin that will consolidate 14 digital networks in the state.
Kerala Cable TV Federation is a society registered under the Travancore- Cochin- Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registered Act, 1995 (herein after KCF) it was formed on 30th June 2012 with more than 400 small scale Cable TV operators as its members.
In December 2012 KCF organized the ACBD expo (All India Broadcasters Cable TV and Digital Expo) at Cochin. ABCD Expo was the first of its kind in the state where in the latest advancements in the field were introduced to all the Cable TV Operators in Kerala, with a special emphasis on Digitalisation.
Within a short span of one year the number of Digital Headends increased from 3 to 14 and the number of analogue Headends shot from 8 to 18 in the state.
Under the present legal system, each of these 14 Headends requires an independent Conditional Access System (CAS) software, thus maintaining the identity and signature of each headend.
This requires large scale investments which is not economically viable or feasible for small scale operators, who form the major share of membership of KCF. 
Thus KCF mooted an idea of a singe CAS software, with independent user rights for various digital headends. This Concept was put forward to various developers. 
Thus in 2013, the proposal mooted by KCF was received positively by M/S Conax AS, Norway.
Conax thus developed a present CAS software with single server and multiple independent users/licenses. Each of these licenses is granted separate keys which ensure their identity and independence. Each user thus becomes virtually independence and maintains his identity, in a less expensive and economically feasible manner.
The efficiency of this system can be gauged by one simple example, one of the leading MSO (UCS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who now has obtained the privilege to use this software installed under KCF in Kerala.
KCF was able to successfully convince the Kerala Government to permit all Cable TV Operators to use the KSEB poles.
KCF was also able to convince the government about the availability, effectiveness and efficiency of DC operators Optical Receivers (Nods), thus saving lakhs of units of electricity in our state. The government has assured KCF to create a possible legal framework to implement the said scheme within the shortest time frame. 
From a very modest beginning with only 100 channels, KCF is now preparing itself to Cable Cast about more than 500 channels using its digital headend.
KCF is now preparing insurance coverage to its members and their staff-which includes an insurance for Rs 500000/- in cse of death and also subscribed to public liability insurance for an amount of Rs 500000/-
Though Cable TV business is going more popularity, it is quite unfortunate that there is a move to abolish locally Cable Casted Programs, including local news. 
KCF is actively involved in raising Public opinion against such un-democratic and campaigning against such moves and has taken steps to inform I&B, government of India.
Thus KCF has been able to motivate the resources of small scale operators in our state and to protect their interests. KCF has also assured its un-conditional support to the All India Cable TV operators to help them go digital.

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