India’s first satellite Television channel, focusing on rural will officially start their test signals on the Independence Day. Nomad films ltd. a Mumbai based company will announce the GREEN TV channel‘s entry into Satellite space with these test signals.
India's rural scenario is undergoing significant change over the last two decades and more. It is witnessing shifts in every aspect of life, be it farming, occupation, education and health, transportation and communication and most importantly in aspirations.
There is exciting growth opportunity in Rural India and it is becoming the epicenter of India’s growth story.
Rural India will become the powerhouse where India’s future lies. be it agriculture, Banking, retail, Education .
Agriculture is the mainstay, needs still a mechanical boost to up its production, a new vision to look at agri-related farming, for a accelerated growth.
A few percentage up growth will improve the GDP of the country significantly.
We need to go much beyond agriculture, in rural India, for the way forward to consolidating the power of India.
Education , Environment , Technology ,access to banking, Investments in various sectors , women Empowerment , Health , Training are key factors which need to be looked into which at present are driving force for Urban India ,
Rural India needs a direct connect with this the above are a driving force for the Rural enlistment.
Aspirations of the rural are driving them out towards urban India.
Rural India is still the treasure which needs to be preserved for the growth and challenges faced internationally.
Green TV Junaid Memon, promoter who is very passionate about Green TV, who has spent 5 years traveling in villages and meeting rural folks says, if we could contribute a small percentage through our well conceived TV channel through our programs through our channel India could be a powerhouse in the world. He is of the opinion that Rural India has the potential to drive this easily. We intend to use clear, useful and value-added communication to empower Rural India.
Our efforts will in no way compete with government initiatives, but in fact supplement them. We will seek to actively partner government bodies in spreading awareness in rural society of various support programs. Rural welfare ranks high in the new administration’s developmental agenda, and we trust that Green TV’s offering will be a welcome aid in our shared pursuit of progress.”
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