Hathway Cable & Datacom raise Rs 300.80 crore through preferential allotment of shares. The announcement was made after the shareholders approved the proposal on 05 Sep 2014 in the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held today.
The MSO through a statement on the BSE, said, ‘subject to necessary approvals and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, the issuance of up to 94,00,000 fully paid up equity shares of face value Rs 10 each (the Equity Shares) of the company to the following funds managed by Capital Research & Management, at a price of Rs 320 per equity share, aggregating to Rs 300,80,00,000 by way of preferential allotment pursuant to Section 42 and 62 (1) ( c) and all other applicable provisions, if any of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder (including any statutory modification) thereof for the time being in force) and other legal provision, including but not limited to chapter 7 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (issue of capital and disclosure requirements) regulations, 2009, as amended.’