Wednesday, 11 June 2014

CQ- Gathering of Cable Operators to protect their Fundamental Rights

Cable TV Operators from across the India are gathering together on 11th June in Delhi under the patronage of Cable Operators Federation of Indian (COFI) to put their demands of amending regulation related to digital addressable system (DAS) before the Union Government. 
The issues that will discuss at the meeting consists revenue share formula, billing rights to multi-system operators (MSOs), easing criteria for issuing MSO license and the 27.5 per cent tariff hike for non-addressable system. 
When Cablequest approaches to COFI President Roop Sharma about purpose of meeting she told us that the meeting has been called to unite local cable operators (LCOs) of the country under one banner to fight for their fundamental rights
She said that around 300–350 cable operators from across the country are expected to converge at the Karnataka Bhawan Auditorium in the capital. 
The delegation of COFI officials will meet the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his personal secretary Nripendra Mishra soon with a memorandum of their demands, she added.  
She also said that COFI will constitute a committee which will meet all the broadcasters (pay & free-to-air), all MSOs, DTH players, TRAI, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Finance Ministry, Home Ministry and all the States government to resolve issues related to DAS.
COFI Resolution 
1.Our  identity
We identify ourselves as last mile converged  service operators providing digital broadcast and broadband services to our consumers.
2.Our  Work
We will work professionally to upgrade our networks using the latest technical knowledge and provide worldclass services to consumers.
3.Our Methodology
a) To achieve economy of scale we will form co-operatives, apply for our own DAS licence and be our master rather than let someone else rule us.
b) We shall appoint legal help for our co-operative or Association to deal with any legal or regulatory issues.
c) We shall keep updated with technical knowledge to gain operational efficiency.
d) We shall follow the correct accounting procedures give receipts to customers as required by regulators and pay taxes regularly. 

4.We shall fight to finish
a) To protect our Fundamental Right to do business.
b) To get our due revenue share like in CAS.
c) To get level playing field with a ten year licence/ Registration like MSO and Broadcasters.
d) Approach Principal Secretary Sh. Nripendra Mishra, Ex-TRAI Chairman for help. 
e) Send memorandum to Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi to Review/modify/ amend DAS regulations.
f) To get National Infrastructure status.
g) To get a share in Carriage fee, carriage fee of Video Channels and ad revenue of MSO Video channels that use our network.
h) Apprise and lobby with Nodal Officers, MLAs and MPs of our areas to get fulfil regulations and laws.
j)  Shall demand to run 30-50 analogue/ unecrypted FTA channels for economically weaker consumers who cannot afford digital services. 

Today we Resolve
1.To appoint legal help in group of operators or Associations.
2.New Memorandum  to Narendra Modi hopes.
3.New Principal Secy Sh. Nripendra is Ex Trai Chairman and knows subject.
4.As model Revenue. Pay Channel fixed  Abolished 10 Licence. 
5.Industry status. Right way. 

Bill CAF- Cable Operator
Only Commercial deal 
  • Lobbying
  • PM
  • I&B
  • State- MP/MLA/MC
  • Delhi-NC
  • Nodal officer

Revenue Share
32 Channel Analog Half Channel Digital. 
  • DAS Licence to make easier and quicker of group of Cable Operator.
  • Sharing of Carriage Fees. 

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