Creating yet another benchmark in technological innovation in the DTH industry, Dish TV India, the country’s largest direct-to-home service provider, announced the launch of Dish truHD+ with an unlimited recording capacity, at an unmatched price of Rs. 2690 for the consumers. The unique feature of Dish truHD+ is its compatibility with any USB device enabling consumers to simply plug and play an existing USB stick/ HDD, and build an entire library of their favorite programmes.
Dish truHD+ will have dual advantage of all HD and DVR features, at the price of existing HD box only! The price of 2690 includes the new Dish truHD+ box along with one month Dish truHD Royale Pack. Further, as a promotional offer Dish TV is providing a 4 GB USB drive free to get the user accustomed to the concept of plugging an external device to use the recording features. The DVR features include Record, rewind, forward, pause live TV etc. What’s more, subscribers can also enable time based and event based recording on the box.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. R.C Venkateish, Chief Executive Officer, D ish TV India said “Carrying forward the spirit of innovation that is integral to the Dish TV DNA, Dish truHD+ is the answer to the consumer need for enjoying recording functionality at an affordable price. Whilst most DVR's charge a premium, our idea is to expand the DVR market by making it accessible at the price of a normal HD box. Furthermore, this box lends a huge advantage over other DVR's in the market by offering "unlimited recording capacity". This is possible due to a breakthrough technology that enables any external storage device to be plugged into the USB port of the Dish truHD+ box.
Mr. Salil Kapoor, Chief Operating Officer, Dish TV India, said emphasizing on the products and services, “We are committed to provide the best of technology in the industry and Dish TV brings unique innovation introducing the concept of Unlimited Recording through Dish TV truHD+. The benefits of latest technology truHD+ provide the flexibility in terms of choice to decide on Recording Capacity. Dish truHD+ will enable our consumer to store, save and watch their favorite programmes whenever they want. Also this demonstrate customer centric approach by Dish TV as new as well as old HD customers will get this technological upgrade at no extra cost. Dish truHD+ also introduces the concept of build your own library (Genre based).”
Ms. Anjali Malhotra, Executive Vice President, Marketing, Dish TV India, said that, "Coming at an unmatched price of only Rs 2690, Dish truHD+ will be the only HD box in the market that will offer a Recording facility, at NO EXTRA COST, whilst HD features have become tablestakes. If one were to compare this box with other DVR's in the market, the Dish truHD+ box would stand a huge price advantage at an unmatched price of Rs.2690/- against the usual cost 5k to 6k, whilst it matches them feature for feature"!
Dish truHD+’ offers dual advantage of HD and DVR where consumer can enjoy stunning picture quality of 1080i, 16:9 picture format with 5.1 surround sound that is far richer than standard definition viewing and comes equipped with the latest MPEG4 technology. In addition to this the same box is used as DVR as well by a simple "plug-n-play" through an external USB device. This enables all benefits of a traditional DVR like recording and playing back programs, Pausing or Rewinding live TV, different play-back positions, event based recording (EBR), time based recording (TBR) and so on.
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