India, sees the launch of yet another News Channel. The News Express channel , the first HD channel in its genre. Its trials had started on 28 July 2011. A Sai Prasad Media venture, News Express provides the luxury of high-picture quality, realistic presentation and superior sound clarity to the viewers.
The channel is built on content credibility and believes in providing well researched facts and quality reporting. Spearheaded by Mr. Mukesh Kumar, one of the most eminent names in the media fraternity today, the channel positions itself to be a hard-core political news channel.
The most eminent faces of the industry like Ashish Mishra, Sumant Bhattacharya, Girish Juneja, Vivek Agrawal, Pankaj Shukla, Sanjiv Chauhan, Karun Kumar, Manish Vajpay et al have joined hands with the channel and bring in years of rich experience of providing analysis, frontline reporting and a neutral viewpoint. News Express is running special programs that portrait true journalism and addresses various socio-political issues at the grass-root level. One of the most promising programmes is “Rajneeti-Khel Satta Ka”, where it describes the in and out of politics with detailed analysis and discussion.
Shri Mukesh Kumar, Channel Head, News Express said, “We are really pleased to announce the launch of the first HD Hindi news channel in India. The convergence of HD technology and the content of the channel is already being appreciated by our viewers and advertisers in just few weeks of its launch. With best of the industry stalwarts in our side, we are quite upbeat to deliver what our esteemed viewers expect from the news channels today.”
“We plan to reach breakeven after 2-3 years; however, we expect the brand value of the channel to be built within next 2-3 months.” added Shri Mukesh Kumar.
News Express has signed distribution deals with more than 100 regional cable operators and some big sized multi system operators (MSOs) with the channel already being aired on DishTV and plans are in place to launch it on other major DTH platforms soon. Apart from this, the channel has state of art studios, world class news room and latest international technology which employs over 300 people working across the headquarters based at Noida and 8 bureaus across the country. The parent company Sai Prasad Media has so far invested Rs. 100 crore in the channel.
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