Celebrity Chef, Sanjeev Kapoor has finally announced the launch of his food channel named FOODFOOD. The channel is launched by the Joint Venture between Astro All Asia Networks (Astro), Malaysia’s leading cross-media group and Turmeric Vision Pvt Ltd (TVPL), the television company owned by Sanjeev Kapoor and his wife Alyona Kapoor. The JV between the two companies marks the entry of Astro in the Indian media broadcasting industry. With the concept of Cooking+ Food +Food-lifestyle, the TV channel is scheduled to go on-air in early 2011. It will feature, for the very first time, Hinglish content that will be produced and packaged in India, making the shows relevant to the Indian audience. In order to connect to their audience in India, FOODFOOD will feature shows about food and food lifestyle like ‘Sanjeev Kapoor’s Kitchen’, ‘Firangi Tadka’, ‘Sirf 30 Minute’ and Ready Steady Cook. Prominent personalities form the entertainment and food industry such as Chef Chinu, Chef Harpal, Chef Rakesh Sethi, and more will feature as part of the varied offerings on the channel. FoodFood is also the first Indian channel that’s entirely shot in high definition.