NEW DELHI: The Information & Broadcasting Ministry has been allocated Rs. 3,216 crore ( Rs. 32.16 billion) for 2014-15 in the interim budget, including Rs. 2,331 crore ( Rs. 23.31 billion) as grants-in- aid for pubcaster Prasar Bharati. An additional Rs. 200 crore ( Rs. 2 billion) has been allotted to Prasar Bharati under ‘investment in public enterprises’. The amount allotted to I&B this time is 12 per cent higher than the Rs. 2,855 crore ( Rs. 28.55 billion) given in the revised budget for FY14. Monday’s budget, presented by Finance Minister P Chidambaram, was an interim exercise ahead of the general election slated in May. Out of the total Rs. 3,216 crore ( Rs. 32.16 billion), Rs. 905 crore ( Rs. 9.05 billion) is planned allocation, while the remaining 2,311 crore ( Rs. 23.11 billion) is non-plan. Prasar Bharati gets Rs. 1,890 crore ( Rs. 18.90 billion) out of its total share of Rs. 2,331 crore from non-plan allocation.